how to develop own website

By Howie Severino, GMA News
With design and additional research by Jessica Bartolome
November 12, 2018

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IN HIS IDYLLIC FOUR YEARS in Dapitan in Mindanao, there was at least one occasion when Dr. José Rizal pined for a gun.

He wanted to shoot birds and even larger animals. It wasn’t for pleasure or even for food. He wanted to kill for scientific knowledge.

He was an expert marksman, just one of the many talents of the great polymath.

But a gun he knew he could not possess in Dapitan, not when he was an exile, accused of fomenting rebellion. He revealed this small regret in a letter from Dapitan in 1893 to the eminent German scientist Dr. Adolph B. Meyer, director of the Dresden Museum in Germany:

“As I am only here as a deportee, I am not free to stroll everywhere as I please, nor can I use a shotgun, etc. Nevertheless, I shall do all that I can.”

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