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Did Kris unfollow Judy Ann on Instagram over post criticizing PNoy?
Judy Ann Santos, may have gotten on the bad side of Queen of All Media, Kris Aquino.
The two celebrities were friendly to each other a few months back, after Juday’s appearance on Kris’s morning show.
Things may have changed since because Kris has unfollowed Juday on Instagram, after the latter expressed her thoughts on the “Fallen 44,” also on Instagram.
Just saying... Obama knows his priorities...
A photo posted by Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo (@officialjuday) on
The actress/host posted a screengrab of an article about U.S. President Barack Obama with the caption, “Just saying... Obama knows his priorities...,” after news spread about President Noynoy Aquino’s absence at the arrival of the remains of 42 out of the 44 slain members PNP-Special Action Forces last Thursday, January 29. (Philippine Entertainment Portal) checked if Kris was still following Juday on Instagram, and vice versa. We did not see Juday’s Instagram account on the list of personalities Kris is following. Meanwhile, Juday is still following Kris on Instagram.

The admin of Juday’s official Facebook fan page also confirmed that PNoy’s younger sister did unfollow Juday on Instagram and posted: “What your reactions judinians lalo na unfollow ni @beingkrisaquino si queen @officialjuday sa instagram.”


Tags: judyannsantos, krisaquino
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