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Xian Lim to Kim Chiu as their trip ends: ‘I had a wonderful time spending every second with you’

Xian Lim is one excited man to spend more of his days with Kim Chiu.

Sharing snippets from their holiday trip, the Kapuso actor took to Instagram to show appreciation for Kim before their vacation comes to an end. 



“This trip was a blast and I had a wonderful time spending every second with you. Times may get rough and we may get lost along our journey but it’s finding our way together that matters most,” he wrote.

“It’s pretty cool how after so many years, we still learn and discover new things about each other.”

And with how smooth their trip went, Xian just couldn’t help but say “to visiting more countries and to traveling the world with you.”

Touched by the message, Kim said in the comments that Xian was being “too sweet” and she cried.

Xian and Kim celebrated Christmas in Paris, where they enjoyed a stroll in Disneyland, the snow, and mulled wine.

In a previous interview, Xian said he cannot say a specific date on when they plan to marry. One thing is for sure though: “We love each other so much and that’s what’s important.”

He added that although their lives are an open book, Xian said he wants to keep their marriage, once it happens, private at first to protect what he and Kim have.

In any case, we’re glad to see the both of them just growing happily as time goes by.—Franchesca Viernes/LDF, GMA Integrated News