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Sharon Cuneta and Jackie Lou Blanco release a song and music video together

Some friendships truly stand the test of time, and such is the case for Sharon Cuneta and Jackie Lou Blanco.

They recently got together to record a song, "Friends," and shoot a music video to go with it.

They did it to mark Jackie Lou's birthday on February 11.

On Instagram, Jackie Lou wrote, "When my manager, Noel suggested I release a song on my bday, I didn’t think twice about it and said, Yes, lets do it! Then i texted Sharon to ask what her thoughts were. She said, Mama why not 'Friends'? After that everything just lead to this beautiful and surreal opportunity."

Sharon first recorded the song 40 years ago as the theme song to the movie, "Friends in Love," which she and Jackie Lou co-starred in with William Martinez and Rowell Santiago.

On Instagram, Sharon wrote, "I've always said that life has a way of stealing things, moments...and people from you. Add to that that the industry we have both been a part of for most of our lives is nothing short of complicated that even individual personal time has always been elusive.

"Somehow, God has brought us together again. And we are more than grateful for our renewed friendship. "

As true girlfriends, Sharon also shared that they tweaked the lyrics so there are "no boys involved" and "just two girls who have grown into women."

Of Jackie Lou, Sharon wrote, "Her star never should have taken a break. Let's all together make her shine again - and even brighter now, because that is what she has always deserved."

Jackie Lou also added on her Instagram post, "May we always remember to treasure and value true friendships and loved ones."





— LA, GMA Integrated News