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Doug Kramer marks 5 years since his family took a 'leap of faith' and built their dream home

It’s been exactly five years since Team Kramer started building their dream home, which made headlines for its amazing features such as a gold elevator and an infinity pool.

On Instagram, Doug shared a throwback photo of their family of five during the groundbreaking of their home.



A post shared by Doug Kramer (@dougkramer)



He described their decision as a “leap of faith,” and said that they weren’t really sure back then if it was the right thing to do. Nevertheless, they went on with it and eventually, things came together.

“Letting go of what's good and giving room for Him to give what's best,” Doug said. “Still remember thinking if this was the right decision for our family.”

"Little did we know, upon completion in June 2019, the pandemic and lockdowns would hit a few months later. Looking back, even with all the challenges and obstacles, everything worked out the way it has," he added.

Doug said this experience of theirs will always be a reminder for their family to “always rely and trust in God for His provisions and timing for everything.”

“Sometimes, when we are at our comfort zone, we're so used to relying just on ourselves, going through the same cycle and routine, that we don't give enough room for God to work in our lives," he said.

“I think it's no accident that He would always give us chances or moments like this where His strength would be highlighted, and is made perfect in our weaknesses. The choice is always ours to make," he added.

Team Kramer first gave a tour of their home in 2019 through a vlog. Even though years have passed, it still continues to amaze everyone with its developments from time to time.

Just this year, sisters Kendra and Scarlett gave tours of their newly transformed rooms on YouTube. —Franchesca Viernes/JCB, GMA News