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'Gen. Malvar' producers defend choice of Sen. Pacquiao to play lead in upcoming biopic; Malvar great-grandson reacts

A movie poster of the biopic “General Malvar” has been making the rounds on the internet.

It features Senator Manny Pacquiao, sporting a full beard and dressed in a rayadillo-style uniform in the titular lead role of General Malvar, the last Filipino general to surrender to the American forces.


According to the poster, “the biggest ever film produced in the history of Philippine cinema” will be directed by Jose Kaka Balagtas with a screenplay by Ed Samson. It will be produced by JMV Film Production, the head of which is Lawyer Jose Malvar Villegas Jr., a grandson of the hero.

But trouble seems to be brewing. The last post on the film’s instagram account, dated October 12 (Saturday) was an official statement from JMV Film Productions, where Atty. Jose Malvar Villegas, “head of JMV Film Production” defended their choice of actor to play the lead.

“The overwhelming acceptance and a cclaimation of the choice of Sen. Manny Pacquiao to play the major role in the move ‘MALVAR’ is a [sic] proof that the public accept the fact that Sen. Manny Pacquiao, apart from being a Senator, is also well known in the Movie World as consummate actor, as well as being a Boxing World Champion who is famous all over the world,” it read.

According to Villegas, critics to their choice of actor only “wants [sic] to twist the choice of Sen. Pacquiao as a political ploy. [They] do not do justice to the ability of Sen. Pacquiao as an actor.”



But on Facebook Sunday, a great-grandson of General Malvar, Gabriel, made public his thoughts about the movie.

“Like everyone else, I thought it was fake news. It was only after I had seen videos about the formal launch that I realized it was factual. I only found out about it like everyone else through media,” he began.

“Apparently, a relative had unilaterally decided that he would enter into an agreement with outside parties to produce the Malvar film without the express consent of the entire clan. This caught us by surprise,” he revealed.

Gabriel describes the Malvar clan as huge. His grandfather, Pablo, is the youngest of 11 children of his Lolo Miguel and Lola Ulay, he said.

“The different lines of direct descendants were not informed nor consulted. This should not be difficult to do as the prominent representatives of each line can easily call or message each other,” he added.

After talking about his great-grandfather’s life and legacy, Gabriel said, “as a direct descendant, I am a steward of this illustrious legacy. It is my duty to protect it and ensure that his reputation and what he stood for are not tainted.”

According to Gabriel, had he been consulted, he would not have chosen Senator Manny Pacquiao to play his Lolo Miguel. “I would have said that I preferred someone not involved in politics or in public service to portray him.” The war hero, after all, declined political positions offered to him, Gabriel wrote.

Besides, Manny Pacquiao is already “larger than life.”

“If he plays lolo Miguel, the viewers will not be able to see and appreciate my grandfather. Senator Pacquiao’s personality will dominate. That is not a knock on the senator. It is the truth.”

According to Gabriel, “To have a film about my lolo Miguel would be ideal. But a film, although desirable, if not executed well and taints his legacy, would do more harm than good. I prefer not to have a film at all.”

Gabriel said he was only making his thoughts public because “this matter is already in the public domain.”

He clarifies “I have nothing to do with this film. This does not have my approval.” — with reports by Kaela Malig/LA, GMA News