Filtered By: Serbisyopubliko
Serbisyo Publiko
SEPT. 17, 20, 24

Manila roads near 2023 Bar exams venues to be closed temporarily

Some roads around two testing centers in Manila for the 2023 Bar examinations will be closed temporarily on exam dates, according to the Manila City government.

On the Bar exam dates on September 17 (Sunday), September 20 (Wednesday), and September 24 (Sunday), the following roads will be closed at these hours, the Manila Public Information Office said:

3:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.:

  • Dapitan Street (from Lacson Avenue to Padre Noval Street); and
  • España Boulevard westbound (two lanes, from Lacson Avenue to Padre Noval Street).


2 a.m. to 7 p.m.:

  • Legarda Street eastbound (two lanes, from San Rafael St. to Mendiola Street);
  • Mendiola Street (both lanes, from Peace Arch to Malacañang Gate); and
  • Concepcion Aguila Street (both lanes, from Mendiola St. to Jose Laurel Street).

Motorists were advised to expect heavy traffic on both dates in the said areas.

The University of Santo Tomas on España Boulevard and San Beda University on Mendiola Street are two of the 14 local testing centers for the 2023 Bar exams.

Almost 11,000 aspiring lawyers are going to take this year's Bar exams, the Supreme Court said. —KG, GMA Integrated News