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PHIVOLCS: Taal Volcano SO2 emission hits new record for 2023

Taal Volcano released 11,499 tonnes of volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission, the new highest recorded gas emission this year, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said on Thursday. 

This is higher than the 9,762 tonnes/day of SO2 emissions reported on October 12, which Phivolcs previously said was the highest gas emissions it monitored over Taal Volcano for 2023.

Phivolcs maintained no volcanic smog or vog was recorded over the Taal Caldera despite the continuous and increased degassing activity of the volcano.

Meanwhile, visual monitors showed there was a continued pronounced upwelling of volcanic fluids in the main crater of Taal Volcano that generated short and weak to moderate volume degassing plumes. 

Strong winds drifted the plumes to the southwest.

“Nonetheless, PAGASA wind forecasts indicate a probable weakening of wind later in the day and November 10, 2023, which may lead to potential SO2 accumulation and vog formation over the Taal Region,” Phivolcs said in an advisory.

Further, the agency said the volcano exhibited moderate seismicity activity, with 415 volcanic earthquakes recorded last September 1. Of the 415, 362 were weak volcanic tremors associated with volcanic gas activity.

Taal Volcano remains under Alert Level 1 (low level of volcanic unrest). It has been continuously degassing high concentrations of volcanic SO2 since March 2021, with emissions averaging at  5,019 tonnes/day since September 2023.

At Alert Level 1, “sudden steam-driven or phreatic explosions, volcanic earthquakes, minor ashfall, and lethal accumulations or expulsions of volcanic gas can occur and threaten areas within Taal Volcano Island”.

PHIVOLCS recommended prohibiting entry into the volcano’s Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) and advised local government units to continuously monitor and assess volcanic SO2 and vog exposure of, and potential impacts on, their communities.—RF, GMA Integrated News

Tags: taal, volcano, Science