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Philippines 4th in the world with most incidents of cyber attacks — DICT

The Philippines ranked fourth among countries with the highest incidents of cyberattacks, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) said Wednesday.

According to Maki Pulido’s report on “24 Oras”, the DICT said that about 3,000 cyberattacks were monitored in the country from 2020 to 2022 alone. Almost half of them are targeted against the systems and networks of the government.

Five government agencies likewise suffered from attacks from hackers since January this year.

“Maybe they find it easier to practice here. Ang number 1 problem is attribution, eh. Kasi kapag umatake sila, hindi namin nahuhuli. Kapag mahuli na namin sila, 'ah baka wag na tayo sa Pilipinas mag-practice. Mahuhuli tayo doon eh’,” said DICT Assistant Secretary Jeffrey Dy.

(Maybe they find it easier to practice here. Our number 1 problem is attribution. We don’t catch them when they attack. But maybe if we start catching them then they will think twice.)

Dy further said there is a lack of cybersecurity specialists in the country, with only 300 practicing experts from the needed 200,000. Only five of them are employed in the government.

“There is an asymmetry when it comes to salary. That's one. Mas maraming...alam naman natin mas mataas ang pasweldo sa private sector,” he added.

(There is an asymmetry when it comes to salary. That's one. We know salary offers in the private sector are usually higher.)

To further inform the youth about hacking and ways to prevent it, the DICT launched the “Hack for Gov” competition for students from 20 schools in Metro Manila. Winners will move forward to the regional level and those who will win will compete in the international arena.

Meanwhile, the DICT said they have yet to discuss the extension of the April 26 deadline for  sim card registration. -- Sundy Locus/BAP, GMA Integrated News