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Pinoy-made action game "Brawl Quest" in Early Access, available for free download

Pinoy-made arcade action game "Brawl Quest" is now in Early Access, allowing gamers to download the game for free on Google Play Store.

“Join Alice and Luwan as they brawl across the Metro to restore peace and justice to the city,” the game’s official description states.

Created by Philippine developer ThinkBIT Solutions, "Brawl Quest" is an action-packed game that won first place in Pocket Gamer’s Big Indie Pitch at G-STAR 2018 in South Korea.

Gameplay-wise, it's inspired by classic arcade beat 'em ups such as "Streets of Rage," "Double Dragon," and "Golden Axe."


"Brawl Quest" features controls optimized for mobile devices, 2D hand-drawn graphics, over 50 levels to fight through, and a diverse range of collectible playable characters, each of whom boasts their own unique skillset and play-style. It also comes with tough bosses, cute pets you can unlock and equip, and three difficulty levels.

From the game's Early Access version, players can expect new playable characters, enemy types, bosses, gameplay mechanics, and an enhanced user interface.


The setting, characters, and story of "Brawl Quest" take inspiration from contemporary Philippine society and pop culture. For instance, its levels resemble local environments. Its characters should also be familiar to anyone keeping up to speed with Philippine politics, entertainment, religion, and more.

“The story is a semi-satirical view on modern-day Philippine society where we generally poke fun at the bad things happening in our everyday lives,” said ThinkBIT Solutions director and co-founder Lord Christian Gosingtian.

ThinkBIT is planning for the game's full version to be released in time with Globe’s CONQuest Festival, which will take place from June 22 to 23 at the Iloilo Convention Center.

Said full version will come with even more playable characters, levels, and other content. ThinkBIT also hopes to roll out new content for "Brawl Quest" every month after its official release. — LA, GMA News

For more information on "Brawl Quest," visit the official ThinkBIT Games Facebook page. Download "Brawl Quest" from the Google Play Store.