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Make your own music with today's Google Doodle

Google celebrated the 117th birthday of filmmaker and visual artist Oskar Fischinger with its latest Doodle on Thursday, June 22, 2017.

Clicking on Google's stylized logo takes you to a screen where you can make a music and lights show just by clicking with your mouse.



"In the world of design, Fischinger is a towering figure, especially in the areas of motion graphics and animation. He is best known for his ability to combine impeccably synchronized abstract visuals with musical accompaniment," said Google's Leon Hong.

"His colors and motion are so carefully planned yet naturally playful, his timing so precise yet human. So today's Doodle aims to pay homage to him, while allowing you to compose your own visual music," he added.


You can find out more about Oskar Fischinger and today's Google Doodle here.  — GMA News