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Aww... Apple's biometric earpods were a hoax after all

It was too good to be true.

The so-called biometric earpods Apple was reportedly working on turned out to be a hoax, a tech site reported Tuesday.

A user of who first reported on the earpods admitted making up the post about the would-be wearable tech. Mashable reported.

Mashable quoted the user as saying on Tumblr that he/she made up the story on the high-tech earbuds "while I was using the toilet and worrying about my blood pressure."

"The poster claims the intent wasn't to be malicious—or to mislead people—but to use Secret as 'an outlet for comedy' and to 'give my friends a laugh,'" Mashable added.

The author came clean after noting news coverage of Apple's recent health-related developments, Mashable said.

Still, Mashable noted the rumor became believable due to the patents Apple had filed for "earphones with health-sensors built-in." — Joel Locsin/VC, GMA News