Riley now a healthy two month-old Philippine eagle

The Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) on Sunday proudly showed off a healthy “Riley” as the young eagle turned two months old.
“At almost 4 kilograms, Riley can now stand completely on its own for longer periods, looking more and more like the majestic eagle it’s meant to be. Plus, those wings? Bigger and bolder than ever! It won’t be long before this little fluffball is practicing even more powerful flaps!", PEF said in its Facebook post.
Hatched on January 16, Riley is an offspring of Philippine eagles ''Sinag'' and ''Dakila.''
The PEF earlier said Riley’s hatching marks a “groundbreaking” achievement since it is the first-ever documented unassisted natural hatching for the endangered avian species.
The Philippine eagle is classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with only about 400 pairs remaining in the wild. —Mariel Celine Serquiña/RF, GMA Integrated News