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Filipinos are the most sleep-deprived in Southeast Asia — study

Filipinos are the most sleep-deprived people in Southeast Asia, a study said, with an expert warning of the negative effects of sleep deprivation on one's health. 

In the Fit Track report of Katrina Son on "State of the Nation," the 2023 data came from Milieu Insight, a consumer data analytics company.

The Philippines ranked first among countries in Southeast Asia, with 56% of Filipinos getting less than seven hours of sleep every day.

Another piece of data from the Sleep Cycle Survey of the World Economic Forum says Filipinos only log between 6.3 and 6.45 hours of sleep daily.

The cause of sleep deprivation is digitalization and globalization that include the use of social media or mobile phones while resting and graveyard shift.

The lack of sleep should not be taken lightly.

The recommended sleeping hours for adults is 7 to 9 hours per night while senior citizens should be able to sleep around 6 to 8 hours a night.

Philippine Society of Sleep Medicine president Rodolfo Dizon Jr. said lack of sleep may lead to obesity, and cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks.

There is also a chance for sleep-deprived individuals to develop diabetes and infections.

Tip Talk

For those who have difficulty sleeping at night:

  • Organize a sleep schedule
  • Keep the room clean, quiet, and dark
  • Get used to having a downtime before sleeping, which means preparing for sleep like taking a bath
  • Do not use gadgets one hour before sleeping

— BAP/VBL, GMA Integrated News