Alpha Centaurids meteor shower visible in Philippine skies in February

Stargazers are in for a treat this month as the Alpha Centaurids meteor shower brightens the night sky until the third week of February.
According to PAGASA, the meteor shower is expected to be active from January 31 to February 20, 2024, with a peak on February 9.
Up to six meteors per hour can be seen during its peak.
''However, in Manila, we can expect to see only 1 meteor per hour during the peak of the meteor shower, as the radiant is on the lower portion of the sky,'' said PAGASA.
“Meteor showers are best viewed with the naked eye when the radiant point is above the horizon. The number of visible meteors increases as the radiant point moves higher in the sky,” it added.
“For the best viewing experience, find a dark observation site away from the city lights and ensure clear, moonless sky conditions.''
Meanwhile, planets such as Venus and Mars will be in conjunction with the moon early this month, but it will be unobservable.
On February 8, the waning crescent moon will conjunct with Venus at 2:50 a.m. It will also be in conjunction with Mars at around 2:30 p.m.
“Both pairings will be unobservable. However, the best time to witness the moon, Venus, and Mars is at 5:30 a.m. as the trio forms a triangle shape,” said PAGASA.
The waning crescent moon will also be in conjunction with Mercury on February 9 and Saturn on February 11. However, the two conjunctions will not be ''visible due to the presence of the sun, as the pairing can easily get lost in the glare of the sun,'' PAGASA said.
The moon will be at perigee, or the closest distance from Earth, on February 11. It will be at its largest apparent diameter, as seen from Earth, at around 2:53 a.m.
On February 22, planets Venus and Mars will closely approach each other at 5:46 p.m. and will be in conjunction before midnight.
The moon will be at apogee, or its farthest distance from Earth, on February 25. —VBL, GMA Integrated News