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Philippine eagle Geothermica dies in Singapore

A Philippine eagle that was sent to Singapore as part of a program aimed at securing the population of the critically endangered species has died.

In a statement, the Philippine Eagle Foundation said that Geothermica, a 19-year-old male Philippine eagle, died at the Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Thursday, September 7. 

"Geothermica was [a] pioneer. He brought attention to the plight of his species to a larger, international audience," the foundation said.

In 2019, Geothermica and a female called Sambisig, both hatched and reared at the Philippine Eagle Center (PEC) in Malagos, Davao City, were sent to Singapore on a 10-year-loan as the first breeding pair ever to be sent outside the Philippines.

The Philippine eagle, which has white and brown plumage and an enormous wingspan, is classified as "critically endangered" by protection group the International Union for Conservation of Nature. — BM, GMA Integrated News