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Taylor Swift now has a millipede species named after her

For all of Taylor Swift's awards and recognitions, having a newly discovered millipede species named after the American superstar is certainly novel.

According to study published in the journal ZooKeys, the freshly discovered millipede specifies is named Nannaria swiftae or better known as Swift Twisted-Claw Millipede.

"The specific name is a noun in the genitive case derived as a matronym, and is named in honor of the artist Taylor Swift, in recognition of her talent as a songwriter and performer and in appreciation of the enjoyment her music has brought DAH," the journal said.

Nannaria swiftae is only known in Tennessee — famously identified with Taylor, yes —and collected in the counties of Cumberland, Monroe, and Van Burden; "in mesic forests with hemlock, maple, oak, tuliptree, witch hazel, and pine, at elevations ranging from 481 m to 1539 m," the journal continued.

According to CNN, the study's lead author Derek Hennen is "a self-proclaimed Swiftie who wanted to honor the singer."

"Her music has gotten me through tough times, and it's kind of a nice little thank you I can give for the joy her music has brought me," Hennen was quoted as saying on CNN.

Us too, Derek. Us, too. — LA, GMA News



Tags: Taylot Swift