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Why hot bubbles are springing underwater in Mabini, Batangas

Hot bubbles have been springing underwater more than usual in Mabini, Batangas some 20 kilometers south of the Taal Volcano.

According to Raffy Tima's report on "24 Oras," Tuesday, the area has long been releasing bubbles from the seafloor, that's why it was named the Mainit Bubbles Dive Site.

However, the seafloor has been emitting more bubbles than usual since the Taal Volcano had a phreatomagmatic eruption.

"Prior this week, before the Taal Volcano erupted, we saw that bubbles were minimal. We got scared because it might emit not just hot bubbles," said dive instructor Ross Veridiano.

According to Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the unrest from Taal has nothing to do with the sudden change in activity in Mabini.

"The Mabini peninsula is an old inactive volcano which has been explored for geothermal, that's why there are a lot of hot springs," said PHIVOLCS Usec. Renato Solidum.

But he also said that it might be because of the earthquake felt around Mabini on Thursday, the same day of the phreatomagmatic eruption.

"The rocks beneath were disturbed so there might have been a pathway created for the hot water to reach the diving area," he said.

Although the bubbles are not dangerous, Solidum reminded divers to report to authorities if it continues to emit more so further research can be done by experts.

—Franchesca Viernes/MGP, GMA News