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Pinoy's entry chosen as name of star, exoplanet

The winning entry to an international competition for the naming of a star and exoplanet belonged to a Filipino, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced Tuesday.

IAU, the only organization mandated to name everything in space, said the star Wasp 34 will be named “Amansinaya” while planet Wasp 34-b will be named “Haik” thanks to Paul Go.

Aman Sinaya is the deity of the ocean and protector of fishermen in Philippine mythology, while Haik is the God of the Sea.

Go said Philippine mythology was his main inspiration in coming up with the names.

“I just thought that since in the mythology, the crater or cup contained the water for Apollo, I should name the pair after Tagalog deities of bodies of water,” he told GMA News Online.

Go co-founded 7 Lakes Astronomy, a Laguna-based group that hosts free telescope viewings for the public.

Go will receive a free telescope courtesy of state weather bureau PAGASA for winning the competition.

“I plan on using the telescope for public outreach. With a new scope, we can conduct more simultaneous public telescope viewings and we can share the love of astronomy to more people,” he said. —LDF, GMA News