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Pinoy satellite Diwata-1 celebrates first year in space

The Philippines' first microsatellite, Diwata-1, was launched a year ago from the International Space Station on March 23, 2016.

Since then, Diwata-1 has been sending back breathtaking images from space.

The microsatellite serves as a tool to help monitor the Philippines from space, as well as a training platform for the Philippine Microsatellite Team to hone the skills they learned in Japan.

In celebration of Diwata-1's first year in space, the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), which oversaw the Diwata-1 project, launched a mini contest on its Facebook page for the chance to win a commemorative limited-edition model of the Diwata-1:


Catch and win a limited edition 3D-printed Diwata-1 model from the PCIEERD Innovation Council. 

To #Win, follow these...

Posted by DOST PCIEERD on Tuesday, March 21, 2017


— GMA News