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Public Affairs

"Sabungera": An 'I-Witness' documentary by Howie Severino

Dokumentaryo ni Howie Severino
Airing date: March 29, 2014


In the blood-stained, macho world of the sabungan, women are as uncommon as hens.
That doesn’t bother Robi Panis, a 26-year old looker who is an unlikely pioneer.  From a pink case resembling a makeup kit, Robi picks out a blade that she hopes will be used to kill her adversary’s rooster.  In some cockfighting arenas, the feminine Robi is nearly as much an attraction as the warrior chickens.
She is one of the handful of trailblazing women in sabong who are changing the image of the sport and is widening its audience.
Banned in many countries, the ancient sport of cockfighting is as popular as ever in the Philippines.  Yet its leading proponents yearn for acceptance in a modern world where sabong is condemned by many as barbaric and cruel to animals.
Sabong is among the last bastions of male exclusivity in the Philippines.
Howie Severino and his documentary team meet the few women in sabong who have broken the gender barrier and who seek to usher this gambler’s sport into a new era.
This Saturday, as Women’s Month draws to an end, join Howie Severino as he meets the women inside this gentleman’s sport, in “Sabungera”  10:30 pm on March 29, on I-Witness.
Tags: plug, iwitness