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Public Affairs

‘Born to be Wild’ visits some of the remaining forests in the Philippines

May 12, 2019
“Lost Forests”
A special pre-election report

The Philippines is known for its rich biodiversity. Composed of more than seven thousand islands, our country is home to more than nine hundred terrestrial species that are endemic or can only be found here. But experts are alarmed that we are losing our forests. In the 1900s the Philippines' forest cover was estimated at seventy percent. Today, it is down to nineteen percent.

Aside from land conversion and agriculture, mining is one of the causes of deforestation in the Philippines. Doc Nielsen visits the province of Surigao where twenty active mining concessions can be found. He observes the effects of mining in the area.

Meanwhile, Doc Ferds sees hope in a forest in Luzon where he and his team document the first footage of a nesting site of a family of Ernest's Peregrine Falcon in a part of the Sierra Madre mountain range.

As we lose more forests year after year, could there be more species that are still waiting to be discovered, and that are already under threat? Before voting on Monday, learn more about the issues facing the Philippine environment.

Catch this eye-opening episode on the state of our forests this Sunday morning, on Born to be Wild, after AHA!

‘Born to be Wild’ visits some of the remaining forests in the Philippines

Tags: borntobewild