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Public Affairs

Eel-eating octopus and other wild animals on ‘Born to be Wild’


Two years ago, Doc Ferds and his team visited Punta Bilar dive site in Surigao to document marine life.  Among the species filmed was the cute and amazing Spanish dancer, a kind of nudibranch.  This episode, Doc Ferds revisits the dive site to look for more creatures and to see if the area is still as pristine as before.  In his first dive, he and the team catch another amazing behavior on camera: an octopus eating an eel!  This eel, feared by divers because of its looks and reputation, was no match for the hungry octopus.


After rescuing a King Cobra last week, Doc Nielsen spends a few more days in Ifugao to discover what other species thrive there.  A number of biodiversity surveys had been conducted in this province but experts say more can be discovered.  True enough, the team documents a range of interesting animals, including a beautiful tarantula.

Another exciting episode awaits this Sunday on Born to be Wild, right after AHA!