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Public Affairs

Philippine crocodile and Tamaraw rescue on 'Born To Be Wild'


May 1, 2016

This Sunday, take a look at the state of Philippine wildlife and biodiversity.  Learn about the most endangered endemic species of the country—from mammals, to reptiles and birds—and realize how important the role of our next leaders will be to save them.

The critically endangered Philippine Crocodile or bukarot is a victim of habitat loss.  These reptiles are also kept illegally as pets.  In Iligan City, Doc Nielsen rescues a bukarot which was kept in a pig pen for forty years.  About ten people helped in transferring this animal to a rescue center.



The Tamaraw, the country’s endemic mammal, is also at risk.  In Mindoro, Doc Ferds treats Kalibasib, a captive Tamaraw, in a rescue center.

Doc Ferds Recio and Doc Nielsen Donato show us the many Philippine animals on the Red List of threatened species, and encourages us to #VoteForTheWild.