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Public Affairs

Japan's snow monkeys on 'Born to be Wild'  

Airing date: March 6, 2016


It is wintertime in Japan, and red-faced monkeys come down from the forests to take a bath in Nagano’s hot springs.  Tourists call them the snow monkeys.  Doc Ferds Recio travels to the hot springs and documents the snow monkeys’ amazing behaviour.  He also learns how the Japanese protect these animals.  Doc Ferds begins his wildlife journeys in Japan this Sunday.


Back home, Doc Nielsen Donato encounters a different case of human and monkey interaction. He responds to a call from Caloocan City where kids are reported to have been bitten by a long-tailed macaque roaming around the community.  With the authorities from the DENR, they attempt to retrieve the monkey to protect both people and animals from further harm.

Born to be Wild airs Sunday morning after AHA!

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