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Public Affairs

Stranded leatherback turtle and Philippine crocodile treatment, on 'Born to be Wild'

August 30, 2015 lineup

News of sea turtles being stranded or poached recently made the rounds on social media. Sea turtles are protected animals because all species of pawikan are considered endangered. Some sea turtles end up in coastal areas after being wounded or falling ill. Doc Ferds Recio shares tips on what to do if you see a stranded pawikan.

Doc Nielsen is in Iligan City to check on a Philippine crocodile, a critically endangered species that can only be found in the Philippines. Caretakers are concerned that the croc may be sick. Doc Nielsen attempts to check on the animal but this proves to be a challenge when the croc shows its wild instincts during treatment.

Don’t miss Born to be Wild this Sunday, 9 AM after AHA!

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