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Public Affairs

Doc Nielsen explores Vietnam's unique wildlife on 'Born to be Wild'


Airing date: August 2, 2015

Doc Nielsen travels to Vietnam to discover this Southeast Asian neighbor’s unique wildlife. He visits Cu Chi Rescue Station which houses a number of wild animals saved from poachers and illegal traders. 

From pairs of rescued animals, the station began a captive breeding program in hopes of reviving the population of Vietnam’s native species in the wild.

Doc Nielsen and his team help in the release efforts for animals like the Asian small-clawed otter and the leopard cat, which can also be found in the Philippines. Doc Nielsen also sees a fascinating species of bird called the lesser adjutant.

These animals are set to be released in a protected national park in Vietnam. But before being set free, one of the otters shows its wild instincts and bites one of the handlers. Having wild instincts is important for animals starting their new life in the wilderness. These skills will give them a better chance to survive and protect themselves from predators. Doc Nielsen and his team witness the moment when these animals finally make their way home.

Don’t miss Born to be Wild’s Vietnam journeys, beginning this Sunday, after AHA!

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