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Fascinating creatures Ibid and Kiwet star in this Wednesday's 'Born to be Wild'


“IBID” and “KIWET”... What creatures are these?
All new series starts Wednesday, September 4

A new and exciting series is coming up this Wednesday on GMA’s Night Shift!
Doc Nielsen Donato journeys into the forests of Visayas in search of an endemic species of sailfin lizard that can walk on water and grow up to a meter long.  This reptile is locally known as “ibid”.  Doc Nielsen and his team trek mountains and cross rivers to see the “ibid” up close. 

According to reptile scientist Dr. Arvin Diesmos there are no studies yet on this species of sailfin lizard but poachers have already eyed the Ibid as a commodity in the black market.  This Wednesday, the Born team’s ten-day search in the wild begins. Doc Nielsen and the team observe and record notable behavior of the Ibid.  But will they witness the most exciting moment of all? That is—the ibid walking on water?

Guest host Mariz Umali is back on another assignment.  Farms in Northern Luzon have been infested by a snake-like fish, called “kiwet”.  According to local farmers, these “kiwet” destroy their soil, damaging their crops.  Farmers complain that the kiwet’s population in their area has rapidly grown.  And they fear that if this continues, farms will be totally devastated and their rice industry will be in peril.  Join Mariz Umali as she investigates what the “kiwet” is and where it came from.

Find out more about the IBID and KIWET in the all-new series of Born to be Wild, this Wednesday after Saksi!