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Snakes in the water on 'Born Impact'

Snakes in the water

We’ve seen them slither on soil, rocks and trees... but this Sunday, Born IMPACT shows you their other life as swimmers! Studies say that all snakes can swim. They use the water's surface tension to glide and they can even lift 1/4 to 1/3 of their body length off of the water’s surface. In fact, while Doc Ferds Recio is observing a python on a tree branch, it suddenly made a leap on him to swim into the water!

 Some snakes are better adapted to live in water than on land. Taal volcano, a popular tourist destination keeps a number of unique water snakes in its lake. One of them is the Taal sea snake, a rare species of venomous sea snake noted for being one of only two known species of sea snake that can be found almost exclusively in freshwater. Doc Nielsen Donato investigates how this saltwater species adapted to living in a freshwater lake sitting on a caldera of volcano. 
Doc Ferds, meanwhile, encounters the real sea snake in the ocean, and he must be cautious, because true sea snakes are four times more venomous than a king cobra. But in spite of their deadly venom, Doc Ferds learns that these venomous snakes face dangers from humans too. He encounters one as a wounded by-catch of a fisherman.In the Philippines, snakes are usually feared and killed because of the stigma of being a “killer” regardless of whether they are venomous or non-venomous. But in Cambodia, Doc Nielsen finds a community of people with a peculiar relationship with water snakes.  In a lake known for having the world’s largest population of freshwater snakes, snakes have become a natural part of people’s lives.

Catch Born Impact this Sunday, 9:30am after AHA!

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