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Two Filipinos join other youth leaders in UK program

Two Filipinos join other youth leaders in UK program

Two Filipinos have joined 88 other youth leaders from 45 countries in London in the United Kingdom for a week-long program that seeks to train youngsters on how to shape a better future for their communities. 

Jose Mari Callueng and Myron Dominick Manalastas were among the diverse pool of participants — which includes activists, journalists, content creators, artists, technology experts, researchers, and entrepreneurs — in the British Council’s “90 Youth Voices for the Future.” 

“We’re thrilled to have Filipino representatives join our global celebration in the UK. The Philippines has many talented young leaders, and we are grateful to support Jose Mari and Myron as they take this opportunity to learn with global leaders and share their stories on a wider platform,” said Lotus Postrado, British Council in the Philippines country director, in a statement. 

Callueng is a national council member of human rights group Karapatan Alliance Philippines, Inc. where he spearheads campaigns for the respect of civil and political rights. 

Manalastas, on the other hand, has been active in providing legal services to poor communities. 

Callueng and Manalastas, both graduates of Adamson University College of Law, will travel to Edinburgh in Scotland as part of the program. 

According to the British Council, the participants will learn how to take advantage of digital technology for the public good, focus on building inclusive communities and spaces and introducing green spaces to the cities. 

“The young people will hear from policymakers and youth organisations from across the UK while experiencing an alternative history tour of the city they visit,” it said. 

“On their final day, the delegates will reconvene online to share experiences before travelling home to practice those experiences in their communities.” 

The British Council added that the “90 Youth Voices” program is a “fantastic opportunity” for young leaders worldwide to come together and share skills on how to make positive changes that they can make in the society. 

“It is important that we learn from these young activists, journalists, creators, and entrepreneurs, break down barriers, and come together to act positively on the big global challenges that affect all of our lives,” said British Council chief executive Kate Ewart-Biggs.  —Vince Angelo Ferreras/KBK, GMA Integrated News