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5 easy countries to immigrate to as an OFW

5 easy countries to immigrate to as an OFW

An overseas Filipino worker (OFW) usually has either of these two plans in life as he or she continues to endure the loneliness of being away from his or her family: 1) work abroad for several years, save, and retire in relative comfort in the Philippines, and 2) work abroad until he/she can legally stay in the host country for good. 

But not all countries have relaxed immigration policies. For those considering living permanently in another country, here are five that do:


Canada offers several different immigration programs that Filipinos can tap. The Canadian government has even stated that the country plans to stabilize immigration levels in the country at 500,000 starting 2026 to "support economic growth while balancing with the pressures in areas like housing, healthcare and infrastructure."

Canada uses an express entry system, which considers language skills, education, work experience, valid job offers and a nomination from a territory through a points system, to assess how an individual would be able to live in Canada.

Aspiring immigrants also need to satisfy the following requirements:

  • hasn’t committed a serious crime
  • doesn’t pose a risk to Canada’s security
  • hasn’t violated human or international rights
  • is in good health (determined by a medical exam)
  • has a valid passport or travel document

Interested applicants who have worked at least a year in Canada under a temporary resident visa may register for an Express Entry visa if eligible. Individuals living within Canada for at least 1,095 days or three years may also apply for citizenship.


Another major “immigration nation,” Australia has welcomed over 7.5 million immigrants since 1945, making up 28.2% of the country’s population by June 2015.

Australia offers two types of permanent migration programs: the Migration Program for skilled and family migrants, and Humanitarian Program for refugees.

Under the Migration Program for the year 2024 to 2025, Australia offers the following slots:

  • Skill Stream to improve the economy and fill skill shortages in the labor market: 132,200 places
  • Family Stream to enable Australians to reunite with family members overstream: 40,500 partner visas and 3,000 child visas
  • Special Eligibility Stream for individuals with special circumstances: 300 places

To determine one's eligibility for a permanent residence visa, the Australian government has created a website for applicants detailing the requirements and fees needed for the application process.

Permanent residents may apply for Australian citizenship after they have lived in the country for four years.

New Zealand

Immigrants in New Zealand often begin with temporary visas for work, study or business.

Immigrants with a work visa and below 55 years old may then apply for residence after 24 months, and immediately apply for a permanent residence after 2 years.

Immigrants may apply for a Permanent Resident Visa after two years in residence and have “shown a commitment” to New Zealand by satisfying the following requirements:

  • have spent at least 184 days on a resident visa in each of the 2-year stay on New Zealand soil
  • have New Zealand tax residence status
  • have an investment within New Zealand
  • have a business in New Zealand
  • have established a base or home in New Zealand

After five years, an immigrant may file for citizenship.

To check which visa works best with one's work setup, New Zealand Immigration has also launched a comprehensive site listing requirements and perks for every visa type available. 


According to Barbados Digital, any person lawfully residing in Barbados within five years is often granted immigrant status provided they have no reasonable grounds for rejection.

If a person has lived in Barbados for less than five years, they may also submit an application or opt for a three-year work and resident visa.

Foreigners may also opt for the “Welcome Stamp Visa,” which allows non-residents to work remotely from Barbados for over a year and can easily be extended, but does not count for residency.

Interested parties may check the requirements for Immigrant Status through the Barbados Immigration Page.


Immigrants in Sweden may apply for permanent residency while holding a residence permit, whether it may be for work, business or study. Application for permanent residency often comes with the extension of an existing residence visa.

Applicants under a work visa would have to have worked in Sweden for four years over the past seven years, be able to support themselves financially and have lived an orderly life in Sweden.

Interested applicants may view the requirements to extend their work permits and apply for a permanent residence visa through the Swedish Migration Agency website

Meanwhile, non-EU residents living in Sweden for the past five years may also be granted long-term resident status to gain certain rights.

Immigrants may apply for citizenship five years after habitual residence under a permanent residence or residence permit for settlement. —KBK, GMA Integrated News

Tags: ofws, immigration