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Pinoy Abroad

Croatia in need of over 3,000 Filipinos to work in hotels

Various job opportunities await more than 3,000 Filipinos in Croatia’s hotel industry, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) said.

According to JP Soriano’s report in “24 Oras” on Tuesday, the DMW said the European country is looking for housekeepers, front desk staff, among others.

The hiring process will be between the Philippines and Croatia, which means that the applicants will not pay any placement fee as the DMW will be the one to process the application.

“Kailangan na nila ng workers this summer, which is latter part of April and May,” said DMW undersecretary for policy and international cooperation Patricia Yvonne Caunan.

(They need workers this summer, which is the latter part of April and May.)

On the other hand, the government-to-government agreement between the Philippines and Slovenia for the hiring of Filipino caregivers will be signed soon.

“Sa Croatia, €1,000 above. Sa Slovenia, nasa €1,500 to €2,500,” said Caunan when asked about the expected monthly salary for Filipino workers in Europe.

The DMW added that additional training is provided to caregiver applicants here in the Philippines.

“We have the opportunity to firm up possible means and channels for care workers to further protect themselves,” said DMW Secretary Hans Cacdac.

The DMW reminded the public to be careful of online job postings to avoid being victimized by illegal recruiters. — Vince Angelo Ferreras/BAP, GMA Integrated News