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Pinoy Abroad

DMW wants permanent labor attachés in ASEAN countries to tackle human trafficking, aid victims

DMW suggests permanent labor attachés in ASEAN countries to tackle human trafficking, aid victims

The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has suggested the establishment of permanent labor attachés in ASEAN countries as a means to combat human trafficking, particularly in areas notorious for "love scam" operations similar to the illegal Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).

These areas have gained a reputation for hosting illicit love scams and cryptocurrency farm hubs, where numerous Filipinos have unfortunately become victims.

"We are also advocating this proposal to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to create a formal presence in these ASEAN countries. This will enhance our ability to support our posts, embassies, and ambassadors in ensuring the safe return and reintegration of human trafficking victims in Southeast Asia," Migrant Workers Secretary Hans Cacdac said.

"We have representation in certain ASEAN countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei, yet we aim to fill the gaps. There are six additional host nations that require attention, and we must establish labor attachés in close collaboration with our DFA colleagues," he added.

A Philippine official, according to Cacdac, is currently in Myanmar to assist in the safe transport of rescued individuals from Myanmar to Thailand and their eventual return to the Philippines.

Family members of one of the rescued Filipinos in Myanmar, who has been in a consolidated facility for over a month after being saved by the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army and other organizations, reported that the Filipinos are expected to cross the Thailand border soon.

Cacdac said that the DMW is ready to extend the necessary support for the next group of Filipino human trafficking victims from Myanmar.

"We have been coordinating for the past few days to assist our fellow citizens who need to come home," he said. —VBL, GMA Integrated News