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Padilla bill aims to strengthen law vs. illegal recruitment

Senator Robin Padilla has filed a bill that aims to "tighten the screws" against illegal recruitment syndicates to protect overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Through Senate Bill 221, Padilla seeks to define illegal recruitment committed by a syndicate if two — instead of the current three — persons conspire to carry out the crime.

The bill aims to amend Article (b) of Presidential Decree 442 or Labor Code of the Philippines and Section 6 of Republic Act 8042, the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995.

"The current definition of illegal recruitment fails to capture the severity of the crime when committed by syndicates and on a large scale," Padilla said in a statement.

"The proposed amendments expand the definition to include illegal recruitment committed by a group of two or more persons conspiring and/or confederating with one another in carrying out any unlawful or illegal transaction, enterprise or scheme, instead of the original stringent three-person requirement," he said.

Padilla noted that this would represent a significant step towards safer, fairer, and more ethical recruitment practices by protecting Filipino workers against illegal recruitment.

Padilla aims to "help strengthen the protection of Filipino workers, prevent economic sabotage, and promote the country's economic development" with safer, fairer, and more ethical recruitment practices. —Sherylin Untalan/KBK, GMA Integrated News