Now in US, hero dog Kabang soon to undergo jaw replacement surgery
Kabang's story is "another inspiring tale of an uninsured street dog from the Philippines receiving expensive, state-of-the-art health care in America." This was how the United States news site Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) News describes the story of Kabang, the mixed breed dog who saved two young girls from being run over by a motorcycle in Zamboanga. The top half of Kabang's snout was ripped off by the wheels of a motorbike as she tried to save the girls. CBS News said the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California-Davis, where Kabang will be treated, is "adept at cutting-edge dog jaw replacement. An American dog whose jaw was recently replaced by the center appears to be strutting around as if nothing ever happened." Kabang suffered extensive injuries to her nose, face, and upper jaw exposing her mouth and throat to high risk infection. Before undergoing the jaw replacement surgery, Kabang will undergo several tests to determine the best way to “fix” her snout and avoid infection. Kabang's veterinarian Anton Mari Lim earlier said saving Kabang's life was their priority.