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Desmond Tutu praises 13-year-old Pinoy peace awardee for giving voice to street children

The Hague — No other than Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu handed the International Children's Peace Prize award to 13-year-old Filipino Kesz Valdez on Wednesday in the Hall of Knights in The Hague, The Netherlands. Kesz, a former street child who used to work in garbage dumpsites and sleep in graveyards, won the prize for bringing to light the plight of street children. Tutu called him "the voice of the voiceless."
In his speech before the awarding, Tutu called on adults to "listen to the children and act." He praised Kesz and 2008 Int'l Children's Peace Prize awardee Mayra Neves who was also present in their commitment to children's rights.
Kesz was clad in traditional barong tagalog accented with southern Philippine weave when he accepted the Nkosi, a unique sculpture which shows a child moving the world.
"Where you are should not determine what you become. Well done, Kesz, well done," said Tutu to Kesz.
"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful," he added, describing the work Kesz has done.
"Before I received the Nobel Peace Prize, I have been saying things. After I received the Nobel Peace Prize, I said the same things. It is like an oracle that speaks to me and it is the same with them," said Tutu.
The Int'l Children's Peace Prize is an annual recognition given to a child of notable accomplishments when it comes to the Rights of the Child. Winning the award would mean a platform for Kesz to communicate his ideals. KidsRights, the organizer of the event, will also pay for his education as Kesz dreams of becoming a doctor one day. The ceremony was held in the same place where Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands provided her annual speech to parliament the day before. - VVP, GMA News