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Pinoy Abroad
OFW advisory: Some phone numbers of PHL Consulate in Hong Kong unavailable
Some phone lines of the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Hong Kong will be unavailable until further notice as the consulate was moving some of its offices. In an announcement the PCG said: “Due to the relocation of some offices in the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong to serve the public better, please be informed that the Cultural Section’s telephone lines 28238534 and 28238536 are temporarily unavailable until further notice.” No timetable was given on when the phone lines would be available again. For now, it said those with questions may call the Consulate’s receptionist telephone number 28238578 or email at cultural@philcongen-hk, or fax to 2866-8559. - VVP, GMA News
Tags: hongkong, pinoysinhongkong
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