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UN body to aid LGUs in review of migration policies

The United Nations – International Organization for Migration is conducting Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) assessments to analyze migration governance of local government units.

“[MIGs are] tool[s] to assess kung where are we in terms of migration governance… It identifies good practices, areas that can be further developed. It is a set of 90+ indicators,” explained IOM Philippines National Project Officer for Protection Ilova Dorylane Lorenzo during the 2024 BaLinkBayan Stakeholders Conference on Wednesday.

“The local MGI is adapted to the local level to offer local authorities an opportunity to have an introspective look at the policies, programs, and structures that they have in place in terms of migration… It recognizes the autonomy, skills, and abilities between the national and local authorities, but also the difference in these,” she added.

There are six main MGIs that are being studied or observed to determine the state of migration in the area:

  • Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
  • Well-being of Migrants
  • Mobility Dimensions
  • Partnerships
  • Whole of Government Approach
  • Migrant’s Rights

“IOM Developed this tool because we have the [Sustainable Development Goals]. This is like the SDG but specifically for migration. This is like SDGs as well, except it is specifically for migration) What do we want to happen in terms of migration? How do we facilitate safe, orderly, and regular migration?” she shared.

Using the MGIs, IOM conducts migration assessments on local policies and programs of a country or a local government regarding inbound and outbound migration, which can help them improve or maintain policies and programs as necessary.

IOM’s process begins with launching MGIs and conducting data gathering and analysis before making an inter-ministerial consultation and publishing the country’s MGI Profile.

“The number of indicators is not exact because it depends on the government… One MGI profile is not applicable to all… It’s really contextualized,” she said.

As of now, there are 110 national governments and 91 local authorities that have used the MGIs, including the Philippines.

Lorenzo urged local governments to contact the IOM should they be interested in an assessment.

Local migration governance programs

Laguna Labor and Employment officer Erick Paolo Dizon and Quezon City PESO Migration Services Division assistant head Sebatianne Sherwin Acuzar also presented their migration programs and improvements throughout the years.

According to Dizon, Laguna was the first local government unit to establish a one-stop migration resource center.

The center functions to provide information and engagement strategies, economic or migration development, and psychosocial development.

The province is set to launch the Laguna OSMRC Clients Management System to address all OFW concerns across the province in the future.

“We’ve made strides in the Laguna province, but there is still so much to accomplish,” he said.

Acuzar also showcased their achievements under Quezon City’s PESO for the past decade.

Currently, the office is utilizing a full-cycle migration to assist Filipinos from pre-migration to reintegration to the Philippines or remigration.

They are also conducting programs to support children of OFWs.—LDF, GMA Integrated News