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"Mankind: The Story of All of Us - New Frontiers" on GMA News TV

Mankind: The Story of All of Us
“New Frontiers”
On GMA News TV, December 8, Sunday, 4:45PM

Mankind takes on godlike powers… to feed billions of people, reshape the landscape, re-engineer the human body. The greatest power of all was unleashed over Hiroshima on August 6th 1945.

Since entering the Atomic Age, we’ve been living between eternity and oblivion. But at the same time, we’ve become more connected as a species. 100,000 years ago there were a few thousand hunter-gatherers on the African savannah. Today there are 7 billion of us in every corner of the globe. It’s been an amazing journey.

Narrated in Filipino by Jay Taruc, the final episode of “Mankind: The Story of All of Us” airs this Sunday, December 8 at 4:45PM on GMA News TV Channel 11.
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