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Another round of rollback in fuel prices seen next week

Another round of rollback in fuel prices seen next week

Motorists could look forward to another round of decreases in the retail prices of petroleum products next week.

Citing industry estimates, based on international trading in the past four days, Department of Energy-Oil Industry Management Bureau (DOE-OIMB) Assistant Director Rodela Romero said, “We will be experiencing possible rollbacks by next week in the prices of petroleum products.”

The estimated downward price changes are as follows:

  • Gasoline - P0.10 to P0.40
  • Diesel - P0.20 to P0.60
  • Kerosene - P0.30 to P0.60

“Final adjustments will be determined after this Friday’s trading,” Romero said.

Fuel firms announce official price adjustments every Monday, to be implemented on the following day.

Romero cited the following developments in global petroleum market as factors to the anticipated domestic fuel price movements next week:

  • Growing signs that the US and global economies are struggling which will hit demand
  • Fears of a supply glut exerted additional downward pressures on prices.

Effective March 11, 2025, fuel companies slashed the per liter prices of gasoline by P1.70, diesel by P0.90, and kerosene by P1.80.

The latest price changes brought the year-to-date adjustments to stand at a total net increase of P2.15 per liter and P3.05 per liter for gasoline and diesel, respectively.

Meanwhile, kerosene saw a year-to-date total net decrease of P0.30 per liter. —VAL, GMA Integrated News