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Japan eyes PHL LNG terminal project – DOE's Cusi

The Japanese government is interested in taking part in the Philippine plan to put up an integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi said Friday.

"During our meeting with the Japanese officials, they are very interested in our LNG project. So we made it available for them for discussion," Cusi told GMA News Online on the sidelines of a briefing after the 2nd Philippines-Japan Joint Committee on Infrastructure Development and Economic Cooperation in Manila.

The LNG terminal project is estimated to cost P100 billion and is targeted to be completed in 2020. It is on top of the nine infrastructure projects discussed by the Philippine economic team with their Japanese counterparts.

Cusi said the cost and location of the LNG terminal may change depending on the magnitude and scale of the project.

"The choice of location is also depending on the size, whether it would be in Bataan, Subic, or Batangas," the Energy chief said.

Cusi noted that the government is addressing two issues.

"One, for energy or power security in the country. And number two, is for economics that is for the Philippines to be the hub. 'Yun ang ina-address natin," he said.

The Energy chief earlier said that the Department of Energy is eyeing to make the Philippines the LNG hub in Southeast Asia. — VDS, GMA News