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Interview: Author Randell Tiongson on gaining financial freedom
Randell Tiongson, cofounder of Registered Financial Planner Institute Philippines and personal finance advocate, didn’t realize he wanted to achieve financial freedom until he was in his 40s.
“I realized I can’t live a life like this, when sometimes I have a lot of money, but sometimes I don’t have any. And there was even a time when I was in debt,” he says in an interview with iMoney Philippines.
“This isn’t the kind of life that I want! This isn’t the kind of life I want my children to inherit.”
Since then he’s taken on the road to achieve financial freedom and help others reach their financial goals as well.
“It’s an issue of getting to financial freedom on a day to day basis. I’m not there yet, but I’m on the right road towards it, and hopefully I’m on my way.”
In a world where money is important, financially freedom is a milestone we should all strive for. What is financial freedom, and how can you achieve it?
iMoney talked to Tiongson to discover his take on financial freedom and what it takes gain such state of being.
What is financial freedom?
Simply put, financial freedom is “the ability to achieve your goals while still being able to enjoy life, and not having to worry about where your next influx of money’s going to come from, and not having to worry about how you’re going to provide for your loved ones,” Tiongson says.
“It’s not based on how much money you have… It depends on how you make your money work for you.”
Why is financial freedom important?
Even if money rules almost everything, remember it’s not all there is to life. “Anything we do, all our dreams, all our goals, will require some form of money,” Tiongson says. “So we have to plan for it, and eventually we have to understand that there’s more to life than being stressed about money.”
Achieving financial freedom gives you more control over your life. “Financial freedom allows you to be able to be more attuned towards your purpose, and at the same time, to live a less stressed life,” Tiongson adds.
What holds people back from financial freedom?
Tiongson reckons a lack of education keeps most Filipinos from even attempting to achieve financial freedom. “Filipinos by nature are not that aware when it comes to finances or personal finance. We don’t teach it in schools, or worse, not even in our homes. We’re taught how to make money, but not how to handle it.”
“We like to spend, but we don’t like to save, we don’t like to invest, we don’t prepare for retirement.”
The way our society is set up sometimes hinders financial freedom. “Parents depend on their children, relatives depend on OFWs or someone who’s doing well… There’s a tendency to depend on someone else,” Tiongson observes.
Hence, it is harder for most people caught in a vicious cycle of dependencies to become financially free – the dependents because they no longer strive to have the means and the providers because their finances are tied up in supporting others. In both cases, their respective abilities to achieving financial freedom have been compromised.
People also think they need to earn more to become financially free, Tiongson says. “I talk to people who earn more, like OFWs or senior managers, and... [the problems are the same, only] magnified. It’s not an issue of not earning enough, it’s an issue of how to handle your earnings.”

What are the steps to financial freedom?
There are no hard and fast rules to achieving financial freedom. However, Tiongson does provide a rough guide in his book No Nonsense Personal Finance:
- Improve your cash flow. “It’s all about money management,” he says. “It’s your ability to earn more, and at the same time, spend less. It’s not enough that you earn more, because if you earn more then spend more, that becomes a problem.”
- Get out of debt. Once you’ve got a handle on your cash flow and you have some extra money, use it to get out of debt. “Debt will always be a burden, especially the wrong kind of debt – consumer debts, personal debts, credit card debts… You wanna be able to get out of that,” he explains.
- Set up an emergency fund. Emergencies happen, “especially if you’re married, or have kids, or have people who depend on you.” Make sure your fund is healthy and can cushion the blow of financial disasters that might strike.
- Get protection against life’s risks. Getting the right kind of insurance will protect you from the unpredictability of life. Of course, the right kind of insurance differs from person to person, so do some research on what would be the best for your situation. Tiongson offers some help on this topic in his book No Nonsense Personal Finance.
- Invest in your future. As Tiongson says, “Spend less than what you earn, and invest the difference.” Read up on investment and find the financial instruments that will give you the growth you need.
If you’re overwhelmed by this guide, remember you can approach the situation one step at a time. Start with step one and move on to the next when you’re ready. “Some people have the resources to do it all at the same time, but some can find it overwhelming – especially when you’re not earning that much money and you have… debts,” Tiongson says.

Things to remember while working towards financial freedom
Figure out your purpose. It’s important to know your purpose or objective in life so you can work your way towards it. “Take a look at what you want to accomplish, and then get the money part fixed so you can concentrate on what you really want to do,” Tiongson says. When you don’t worry about money you can focus more on your purpose.
Take baby steps. It takes an enormous amount of effort to change your behavior and attitude when it comes to money, and it’s not going to happen overnight. Start with what you can afford to save, say P500 or P1,000, and increase the amount as get better at handling your finances. Remember: it’s about progress, not perfection. As long as you’ve started the process, and you’re making progress, you’re on the right track. Just keep at it.
The earlier you start, the better… “The sooner you do it, it’s less stressful, and you pick up the correct behavior early on,” Tiongson says. Studies show that it’s easier to develop lifelong habits the younger you learn… So if you train yourself in good money habits [at] a young age, it will be easier for you to carry those habits as you [grow] older.
… It’s never too late. Even if you’re no longer young, you can still achieve financial freedom – it’s just that it will take a little more work. You have to make the decision to go for the kind of life you want. “Social security is not going to be enough. You see people living that kind of life. Gusto mo ba ‘yung ganyang buhay, you’re dependent on your children? Is it fair for you to depend on them? When you start having those questions, it’s time to do something about it,” Tiongson says. “It might be more difficult, but you may be earning more money at this point so that might balance out a bit.”
Surround yourself with the right kind of people. It’s much easier to stick to your financial resolutions when you’re surrounded by supportive people who are good influences on your spending. “But if your barkada likes to spend or party, you might want to look for a barkada that’s not like that. If it’s a family member it might be harder… but you have to learn how to keep your priorities straight and say ‘No’.”
Pick the right financial instruments. There’s no one-size-fits-all financial instrument – you have to find one that suits you. “I like the stock market but I can’t recommend it to you if your risk tolerance isn’t high,” says Tiongson. “But generally there are generic good investments like UITFs or mutual funds. It depends on your objectives, time frame, and risk tolerance.”
The bottom line
Financial freedom is vital if you want to enjoy your life to the fullest. Remember: money isn’t the end-all and be-all. “Money is just a tool, it’s not the end goal… It’s only a means for you to achieve your purpose,” says Tiongson.
It’s not easy to achieve financial freedom. What’s important is taking that first step, with the right attitude that you can do it!
Need a little something to kick-start to your journey towards financial freedom? Read our articles on money management to help you fix your cash flow.
Randell Tiongson is a respected personal finance coach in the Philippines and author of the book No Nonsense Personal Finance: A Step by Step Guide. Learn more about him on
Tags: imoney, imoneytips
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