LRT1 operator seeks fare hike

Commuters riding the Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT1) would be expecting costlier fares this year should the petition filed by concessionaire Light Rail Manila Corp. (LRMC) be approved by transportation authorities.
Responding to media queries, LRMC spokesperson Jackie Gorospe said, “Yes, we are confirming that we submitted a petition as part of the periodic fare adjustment process.”
The Rail Regulatory Unit of the Department of Transportation (DOTr) is set to hold a public hearing on the LRMC’s fare increase petition on January 9, 2025.
“More details will be shared tomorrow,” Gorospe said.
The LRMC official said the public hearing to be held on Thursday “is for the 2024 fare application (we submitted last year) which is based on an increase from the 2022 fare application submission (different from what was approved in 2023).”
In 2023, the DOTr approved to increase the minimum boarding fees for both LRT Line 1 and 2 to P13.29 from P11 and the per kilometer rate traveled of P1 was hiked to P1.21 per kilometer.
The LRT1, which was privatized in 2015, filed petitions for fare adjustments in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, all of which were deferred.
LRMC is allowed to apply for fare adjustments “of at least 10.25% every two years after the effectivity of the contract.”
Militant group Bayan, in a statement, opposed the proposed fare hike in LRT1.
Bayan said that LRMC is proposing a significant average increase of P7.48 per passenger.
In particular, the group said that there will be an average increase of P6.02 for “Mid-Distance Passengers” or passengers that travel between more than five up to sixteen kilometers.
Meanwhile, there will be an average increase of P8.65 for “Short-Distance Passengers” or passengers that travel five kilometers or less on the train system.
There will also be an average increase of only P12.50 for “Long-Distance Passengers” or passengers that travel more than 16 kilometers on the train system.
With this, the maximum fare of P45 for a single journey ticket is seen to increase to P60 should the fare hike petition be approved.
Asked to confirm the amounts presented by Bayan, Gorospe said, “Yes, correct.”
The militant group called on “commuters to make their voices heard and to register their strong opposition to the fare hike… the Marcos regime is ultimately liable for the looming fare increase.”—AOL, GMA Integrated News