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Jollibee Group probes reported cybersecurity incident

The Jollibee Group on Saturday said it is looking into a cybersecurity incident which reportedly affected it and other companies.

"We are addressing a cybersecurity incident recently reported to affect our company, in addition to other companies," the Jollibee Group said in a statement sent to reporters.

"We take this matter seriously and have launched an investigation to better understand the scope of the incident. We have implemented response protocols in addition to enhanced security measures to further protect data against threats. Parallel to these efforts, we are working closely with relevant authorities and experts," it added.

The group assured the public that its e-commerce platforms were not affected and thus "remain operational."

"Please be assured that we are continuously fortifying our defenses against future threats and remain committed to our priority of safeguarding customer data," the statement read.

The Jollibee Group also urged the public to adopt cybersecurity measures such as changing passwords often.

"We would also like to encourage the public to be vigilant and exercise good information security practices, including keeping passwords secure and changing them often," it said.

GMA News Online contacted the Department of Information and Communications Technology to get its comment on the matter but has yet to receive a reply. —with a report from Vince Angelo Ferreras/KG, GMA Integrated News