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Cebu resort official resigns after drawing flak over insensitive remark to parent of special needs child

Plantation Bay Resort and Spa in Cebu on Tuesday announced the resignation of its resident shareholder, who responded negatively to a review by a parent of a child with special needs.

In a statement, Plantation Bay said its resident shareholder, Manny Gonzalez, resigned from his post effective, December 15, 2020.

Last week, the resort drew flak on social media after Gonzalez, using the account of general manager Efren Belarmino, responded to Mai Pages’ Trip Advisor review and accused her of "most likely deliberately lying" since "uncontrolled shouting is not a symptom of autism." He went as far as to question the child's diagnosis.

In her review Mai, a mother to a six-year-old child with autism, narrated an experience at the resort she described as discriminating and shared that the place was "not an ideal place for a child with special needs."

She said, her son Fin would make squealing sounds whenever they went in the waters, as he often does whenever he was excited or happy. But, lifeguards at the resort told her to stop her son from squealing.

Gonzalez has since issued an apology for “poor handling of a guest complaint a couple days ago."

However, he defended his response insisting that the hotel's policy on keeping noise levels down in the pool and at the restaurants is "geared towards and relaxation for all guests," and that they try to apply the policy "even-handedly."

Plantation Bay, citing Gonzalez’s statement to the resort’s management and staff, said that his reason for resigning is “to protect our staff from further indignities, and with sincere apologies for my error of judgment which led to so much trouble to many innocent people, I have decided to resign from the position of Resident Shareholder."

Nevertheless, Plantation Bay said its management is assessing current protocols in place and has pledged to initiate more proactive efforts and implement necessary changes within the week.—AOL, GMA News