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TIEZA to enter into joint venture deals with private sector to boost tourism

The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) announced that it is planning joint venture agreements with the private sector to further boost the country's tourism sector.

The agency said it has recently approved its own guidelines in allowing members of the private sector to have their share in the development, operation, management, or disposition of properties and facilities that are owned, administered, or controlled by TIEZA.

“We believe that the tourism sector will be reinvigorated with the contribution of industry expertise and financial capability of the private sector in managing tourism-related facilities,” TIEZA Chief Operating Officer Pocholo Paragas said in a statement.

“With the booming tourism potentials in the country, it will definitely be a win-win solution for the government and the private sector to partner,” he added.

Under the said approved guidelines, prospective investors may respond to solicited proposals initiated by the TIEZA or submit their unsolicited proposals for projects that they intend to enter.

The agency said that possible joint venture partners will undergo a competitive selection process that upholds transparency and accountability.

The selection and evaluation of proposals will be handled by the Joint Venture Selection Committee (JVSC) that will be created by TIEZA.

TIEZA is a government agency created by virtue of Republic Act 9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009. It is involved in collection of travel taxes, building of tourism infrastructures, and supervision of tourism enterprise zones. — Dona Magsino/BM, GMA News