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FDA names five vinegar brands with synthetic acetic acid


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday announced that five out of the 39 commonly used vinegar brands it tested contained synthetic acetic acid and must not be sold to the public.

Samples of following brands were found to have synthetic acetic acid through testing of Permanganate Oxidation Number (PON):

  • Surebuy Cane Vinegar (Best Before Date: 26 03 21)
  • Tentay Pinoy Style Vinegar (Best Before Date: 03 18 21)
  • Tentay Premium Vinegar (Batch/Lot No. TV SEP0718AC)
  • Tentay Vinegar ‘Sukang Tunay Asim’ (Expiry Date 06 06 20)
  • Chef’s Flavor Vinegar (Expiry Date 01APR21)

Following FDA's pronouncement, Rustan's Supermarket ordered the recall of its house brand vinegar Surebuy Cane Vinegar.

Tentay Food Sauces, Inc., the makers of Tentay Vinegar, said it is coordinating with the FDA to clarify the issue.

GMA News Online is still trying to get comments from the manufacturers of the other vinegar brands.

The FDA said it conducted the test "in line with the on-going issue involving the authenticity of vinegar sold in the market" to verify if these commonly used brands comply with the standards of the agency.

"Following the current Administrative Order prescribing the Standard of Identity and Quality of Vinegar, any artificial matter such as synthetic acetic acid or any cloudifying agent deems the vinegar adulterated hence, it must not be sold to the public," it said in a statement.

The FDA, however, clarified that the brands of vinegar found with synthetic acid were only deemed as substandard but does not pose a safety issue or any health risk to consumers.

"The presence of synthetic acetic acid merely represents that the vinegar did not undergo fermentation, either through a slow process, quick process, or submerged culture process which is used for commercial vinegar production," it said.

The FDA said it will inspect the manufacturing facilities of the vinegar brands to verify if they indeed use synthetic acetic acid in production.

"Appropriate regulatory action shall be imposed on those non-compliant establishments found violating current standards, rules, and regulations of the FDA," it added. —NB/JST, GMA News