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German radio host explains racist remarks: ‘I was annoyed that BTS covered ‘Fix You’’

The German radio host who made racist remarks against BTS has issued an explanation, saying he just got annoyed by the group’s cover of the song “Fix You.”

Following backlash on social media, Matthias Matuschik and his station Bayern 3 released new statements regarding the incident.

“I am very dismayed by the reactions that my statements on my live show had—and first of all: I am very sorry and I would like to sincerely apologize,” said Matuschik.

The host said he “was primarily annoyed by the fact that the boy band BTS covered the song ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay,” a song he “really [appreciated].”

“The nationality of the seven boys shouldn’t matter—mentioning them and making the connection with a virus was completely wrong,” he added.

Matuschik said that after giving the issue a lot of thought, he “understands and accepts” that his words racially offended the Asian community.

“That was never my intention, but I know that in the end it is how the words are received by the recipients—and not how they were meant.”

He added that “since the influx of refugees in 2015, I have also been very active against right-wing activities and for those seeking protection.”

Matuschik said he just wanted to be funny. “It makes me all the more sad when I hurt others with a thoughtless, actually funny statement and put myself in the wrong light. I made a big mistake that I’m going to learn from.”

After issuing the apology, however, Matuschik shared on Facebook a post made by another individual who accused the host’s critics of being racist themselves. Matuschik later deleted his repost.

Bayern 3’s statement, meanwhile, seems to have sparked more outrage.

After apologizing “in all [forms]” for the remarks made by Matuschik and saying that the “words he used to describe the band BTS” were “not acceptable,” it added:

“Both he and we at Bayern 3 know that it is not enough if you actually mean things differently. If statements are perceived as offensive or racist by many people, then they are too.”

However, the station stressed that Matuschik was “miles away from racist views,” as proven “through his actions and work for a peaceful coexistence of people in Bavaria—regardless of their nationality, culture, skin color, sexual orientation or religion.”

Bayern 3 also said it “expressly and resolutely distances itself from any form of racism, exclusion and discrimination.”

The station then said that Matuschik and his family “are now massively threatened” and they “ask that the discussion remain on a substantive level.”

On Friday, Matuschik spewed disrespectful remarks against BTS on-air, likening the South Korean group to the COVID-19 virus and saying he hoped “there would be a vaccination against it soon.”

His racist comments pertained to BTS’s much-lauded performance on “MTV Unplugged,” where they covered British band Coldplay’s hit song “Fix You.”

Saying he disliked the group’s rendition, Matuschik raged during the live broadcast: “This is sacrilege, and for this, [BTS] will be vacationing in North Korea for the next 20 years!”

The incident immediately went viral, with many people slamming the radio host for disrespecting not only BTS, but the whole Asian community. – RC, GMA News