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’90s trio Vanna Vanna remakes Metropop song ‘Do You’

Do you remember Alana, Benj, and Teri?

The members of the ’90s trio Vanna Vanna have reunited to sing “Do You,” a song written for the Metropop Song Festival in 1997.

Composer Trina Belamide shared an excerpt of the group’s reunion video on Facebook and its full version on YouTube on Tuesday.

“Alana, Teri and Benj are reunited in this video of my Metropop 1997 song!” she said.

“It’s actually a timely song given how much we miss our loved ones during this quarantine period.” 

Formerly called FOJ, Vanna Vanna was known for their hits “He Loves Me,” “Hurting Inside,” and “Come Find Your Heart,” among other songs. – RC, GMA News

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