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Types of people you meet at office Christmas parties

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Every Christmas party has types of people that make it an event to look forward to, at least for the rank-and-file employees. More than the raffle prizes, exchange gifts, and bonuses from your bosses, there's always the undeniable fact that you genuinely like spending time outside the office with your workmates.

This year, can you spot the five classic types of people you’ll meet at your office Christmas party?

The Philosophical Drunk

Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels
Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels

This one will take advantage of free drinks and before you know it, they're already passionately arguing about some deep philosophical dilemma or bellowing eternal love to exes or ghosts. They're the usual target of The Documentarist, so don’t be surprised if they’d have plenty of embarrassing shots worthy of a separate album.

Quotable Quote: “Hindi pa ako lasing. Teka, do you know what Sunk Cost Fallacy is?”

The Surprise Performer

The Surprise Performer is your regular co-worker who bears a hidden talent. Whether they are a promising singer or a great dancer, they prefer to keep it low-key, unlike Mr./Ms. Competitive. But not until you see them on stage during the mandatory office Christmas party performance.

Quotable Quote: "Hindi ako competitive. Ayoko lang mapahiya tayo.”

The Documentarist

Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels
Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels

Selfie here, groufie there. Yes, they are the one in-charge of documenting every move at the party. Expect them to post an album of the fun and embarrassing moments on their social media accounts the next day. Hopefully, they won’t capture you stuffing your face with lumpiang shanghai.

Quotable Quote: “Pose kayo for a group photo, dali!”

Mr./Ms. Competitive

There’s always this one employee who does their best to win every parlor games and group performances at the party. Their competitive spirit is the life of the party. Because why not, when great prizes are at stake? Even if they’ll only win a couple of GCs, they won’t hold back.

Quotable Quote: “Galingan niyo guys, dapat manalo tayo.”

The Boss

They can be your floor manager, the production head, or the department supervisor. You’ll never see them have fun on a regular day, but at the party, they will finally loosen up and show their cool side. Who would have thought you can drink and even pose for a selfie with them? Let’s just hope they could stay that way all year.

Quotable Quote: *Insert an appreciation speech from The Boss before the fun party begins*

And then, there’s you. You could be one of the characters above, or you could belong to a different set of people that we’ve yet to meet at an office Christmas party. But wherever you belong, these personalities are what makes the party fun and interesting.